Apishop Commercial Cedar Beehive


Apishop Commercial Cedar Beehive

Made in Ireland - Unique Design!

Made from Native Irish Cedar to my own design giving a fully ventilated roof summer and winter.

  1. Constructed with dovetails for a stronger product.

  2. Corriboard varroa tray rebated on 3 sides so it can be used as a solid floor in winter. The corriboard will help insulation.

  3. Varroa mesh floor rebated on all 4 sides. No sharp edges to damage bees legs.

  4. Fully vented roof on all 4 sides with stainless steel insect mesh.

  5. Ventilation channel around periphery of the roof.

Will come fully assembled. Includes floor, brood, 2 supers crown board and roof all in cedarwood.

Available in 4 different colours -

Signal Violet
Signal Orange
Fern Green

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